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Come out of your shell (Commission)



Disclaimer: This is a commission created by my friend Coonae! Expect more every day this week!
Design is by me for first two, and the final is by Coonae, based on sea slugs, sea butterflies, sea shells and actual butterflies.
These are my early bug line for Océane!

SWIRLSEA ( Swirl + Sea )
Bug / Poison Type
Sea Slug Pokémon

Swirlsea can untangle their head tentacles and use them to wrap and strangle their prey. Although their venom is still weak, their barbs are as bad as a bee sting.

SPIRASHELL ( Spiral + Shell )
Bug / Poison Type
Sea Shell Pokemon

Spirashell rapidly spins in place and buries itself into the sea bed to wait for evolution. Sometimes they are dug up by collectors, only to suffer a nasty sting.

SEALESTIAL ( Sea + Celestial )
Bug / Poison Type
Sea Butterfly Pokemon

It moves gracefully like a dancer but also has a dark side. After stinging its prey and paralyzing it, it proceeds to slowly swallow it alive.
Image size
425x553px 316.25 KB
© 2017 - 2024 Kyle-Dove
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